Yellow Series - Arabic Phonics Card Game
Yellow Series - Arabic Phonics Card Game
Learn to read Arabic the Montessori Way
Arabic Step-by-Step
Step 1 - The Yellow Series
Laying the foundations. All word used in the Yellow series Flashcard set is carefully selected to be three letters. Preparing your child to read short words at a time. Building on their reading confidence for the Arabic letters in their cursive forms.
Each picture card has a word written in its isolated forms. And its corresponding matching word card is written in cursive. Your child has to simply match the cards.
The aim at this stage is not to know the meaning of the word. But, focused on being able to decode every letter starting from right to left correctly. Pronouncing the name of each letter, then the phonetic sound of each letter.
Yellow Series is the preliminary stage to develop his/her phonemic awareness and identify the Arabic letter names in a word. This is an essential step before your child starts actually reading with vowels and other sound markings. Which will be your child’s next step, the Pink Series in reading Arabic.
Yellow Series Sort and Match card game is the first step in your journey to reading Arabic.
They are meant to be used after mastering the Arabic Alphabet. Helping decode letters in their cursive form, without the distractions of the Arabic markings/diacritics above or below the letter.
The purpose of this activity is to strengthen their decoding skills and master this very important skill and aspect of eventual reading. Since learning only the isolated forms of the Arabic alphabet is not sufficient, to make a successful reader.
This flashcard set is a hands-on activity your child will love to use. Giving plenty of practice to sort and match basic 3-lettered words with their picture. Every picture includes the word in their isolated form providing an essential clue.
Product Specifications
- Format: Table Top Game
- Tuck box size : 133x95x25.5mm
- Card Size: 63.5x88.9mm
- Game Contents: 100 Cards, 1 Instructional Manual
- Author and Illustrator: Umm Sumayyah Quan
- Publisher: Tarbiyah Islamiyyah
- EAN/UPC: 950-6751-483-488
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